In this first piece, there are two classic cartoons from many, many years ago. Stickman and Gumboy both came about in the 7th grade. Stickman was the antagonist to Tick (featured below) and Gumboy was the only competent member of the Super Squad, a super team I created after wondering what it wou;d be like if Superman, Batman, James Bond, Indiana Jones and Gumby had a crime fighting team.

Always on my mind: my very good friends Jason and Andy.
Below them, and riding the dinosaur below this, are my minions. These are the little gnomes that turns the gears and pull the levers that run my imagination.

Also riding down the back of this dino is Tick. Tick was my first comic creation. He was imagiend up back in fifth grade. I did four panel comics about him; they made little sense to anyone but me.

Tim is hidden in there near the top. I also would like to point out E=MC Hammer. And Sylvester the Cat wearing a crown was one of the ideas for the King's Speech, though really, Porky would've been a more logical choice.
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